12 Days of Learning: One Drive

Atomic Learning has created the 12 Days of Learning, a series of articles designed to kick off resolutions to keep learning in the new year. We thought this was a great idea and have decided borrow (shamelessly steal) it and do our own. Over the next 12 days we will have links to a series of tutorials aimed at increasing your elearning skills.

Let’s kick off our 12 Days of Learning with a quick look at OneDrive. OneDrive allows you to create and share Word, Excel and Powerpoint files online. You can also upload other types of documents such as images or media files to store or share with your colleagues. You can access OneDrive by logging into the web version of your Lesley email at http://lesley.edu/email.

To learn more about using OneDrive, check out these Atomic Learning tutorials. Enter your myLesley username and password when prompted.
